Like Seeds in the Ground

Osundolire Oladapo Ifelanwa
2 min readOct 6, 2024
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Two people in a union are like two seeds.

On the day they are joined, they think they have now become one and should begin to grow but no; that day, is the day that they are planted. Buried together in the darkness of the earth, they will not see the sun for quite some time.

Inside the earth, they will shed their outer layers and reveal their essence. To each survive, they will need to reach within for nourishment to grow. Such nourishment they had possessed before being planted in the union. In that darkness, the empty seed will rot while the healthy seed may live. Because they are so joined, the rotting seed may posion the healthy seed and cause it to rot too and both of them will never get to reach the light.

If both of them survive, their young shoots will eventually push through earth and rock. They will open up to the light of this life, reach out for the sun and begin to grow together and nourish each other. But if they war with each other like plant and weed, they may fight to their death until both of them are left to the mercy of the same sun that nourishes them. In that heat, they may both dry up.

If they don’t war to their deaths, they will entwine and grow stronger and it will be difficult to cut them. In drought, they will find shade under each others’ leaves and share water from each others’ stems. In rain, their harvest will be double. Their roots will go deeper as each day passes and it will become harder to uproot them.

Years after they were first buried, they may then become one.

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Osundolire Ifelanwa

Thinker, Student, Life

