Love Lost in #140


Photo by Adem AY on Unsplash

Pause in thought.
There's an echoing;
Walking through the hollows,

Our palms write psalms
On the face of the wall
Between us.
Reaching for a memory
Of Love's whisper, lost.

Sweet as sin;
Bitter as cursed vines,
These threads are woven
From crossed lines
That etch, our noose ends.

Our words, are frozen,
Like swords, they
strike and bounce;
Their clanging, harrowing.
Their sparks, momentarily lighting
This blue darkness
Of Love's light, lost.

The pace quickens.
Knives for thumbs
Embrace pain
That cuts both ways;

Till all is red.
A poppy field
where leaves have fled,
To be one with blood,
Giants and dwarves.

In this removed world,
Love's life is lost.

Osundolire Ifelanwa

