Reinventing Yourself is Much Harder Than You Think

Start now!

Osundolire Oladapo Ifelanwa
8 min readNov 27, 2021
Photo by Maximalfocus on Unsplash

No one becomes old in one day

~ African Proverb

Are you struggling with technology or popular culture? If you are, newsflash: YOU ARE BECOMING OLD. But growing old is not a bad thing. We will all grow old (if we don’t die that is.) What is tough to deal with is being left behind and struggling to catch up with life, especially technology; trying to turn on the TV only to discover that TV is no longer what it used to be. Or when people around you use and talk about new tools or processes and you can’t make sense of what they are saying.

That is even more challenging when you are a professional still actively pursuing your career.

Image credit: @ajeetmestry on

I am 37 so I am not old yet, but I can see the trends predicting my obsolescence.

At the beginning of the year, I had only 3 apps on my phone that didn’t come preinstalled: WhatsApp, Google Earth & my bank app. My reasons for not having more apps was that they were a distraction and that they wasted my time. In the same period, I became less interested in current issues. The doom and gloom news of the COVID year didn’t…

