Member-only story
Saturday Service
A celebration of the doing spirit
“If everything that was said had been done, then there would be nothing more to do.”
Osundolire Ifelanwa
The day was February 4th, 2022. The place was at my home, on the custom-designed square grid black dining table in the image below.
Ademola Tokunbo-Ishola and I were having a conversation about spirituality and the many unexplained/unexplainable contradictions we encountered in our relationship with an unseen godhead we inherited from doctrines that were at best imperfect and questionable.
What started as a casual conversation became a full-blown exploration of existential and faith questions. Is God really out there or are we just marking time on a cosmic, endless evolutionary journey? Ademola and I were both raised as Christians, but as it appeared, there were huge contradictions between some of the things we were made to believe in faith and the hard evidential harvests of our intellectual curiosity.
How can a man die and live again? Is the recurrent theme of going to a better place after we…