Member-only story
Tired of Phone Addiction?
Try using 2 phones in Silent Mode
Your email notification sound calls your attention away from whatever it is you were doing, and brings you back to the phone screen. You unlock it and check the email. It is nothing of consequence. Compulsively, you open other apps to check for the most recent updates.
A few friends have sent messages. You respond to each and every one of them. As you do, they respond and you respond too. While you are at it, you check statuses, and stories. Some make you smile, but for the most part, you are scrolling through. Then, you move on to your social media apps to check some more updates — some news has broken about whatever. You read comments, and share your opinions. Others reply to your comment, and you reply to theirs. A call comes in. You pick it. Speak for a couple of minutes and hang up. The friends you responded to have responded again. The commenters that commented earlier have commented again. New statuses, and stories have been posted after the ones you saw earlier.
Rinse and repeat. You scroll on.
Whatever it was you were doing before the notification called you away, remains unattended, waiting for you to return. When you finally do, a half severed thought gropes in the dark as it seeks out its other half. Eventually, you bring…