We’re All Wind

Shower Thoughts on Change, Adaptation & Humanity

Osundolire Oladapo Ifelanwa
4 min readSep 11, 2023
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Once upon a time, we existed in clearly defined spaces that defined our lives.

When we were at home, we were at home. We socialized, got to know each other through the voice of our conflicts, and had mingled personalities with those we called family. When we left home for work, we left home behind and donned our work personas as one would a cloak or a woolen coat. We interacted with our work kinds, doing what we loved or what paid the bills. After work, we doffed our work personas, folded it neatly in our cubbies, and went into other spaces wearing other versions of our selves, and meeting other clones too.

At the end of each day, we returned home, kicked back, and unwound from the many contortions of wearing our other selves all day long.

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Then enter technology — that flaming hand of change that lights the way and erases the past: no, razes it.

Bringing us many things; typewriters, leaf blowers, Knight Riders, computers, and smart phones and a quicker way of doing things.

